India - Australia cricket discussion Jan 2008 (Off the topic)

I have posted the content below on orkut community where cricket series was getting discussed.

First of all let me tell you I am born and raised in India. I followed Cricket for all those years and still now and then I watch it if there is a good match.

Even in India, Australia team gets a lot of praise for their achievements in Cricket. That is the reason why Australian players get to work on advertisements and other stuff to be broadcasted on Indian channels. India has been a great competitor in Cricket in past and even still it’s the case. I have sympathy for other games which have been tarnished and loose their popularity because of dominance of Cricket.

I really wish Indian selectors do a good job while selecting players, if players are not doing the job put them away and give new talent a change. To my understanding Indian team players spend more time on advertisement as compared to what they spend on training. Did anyone every try to realize that many known players will not jump to stop a ball? I saw it many times, to my understanding it’s because they might be afraid that if they break a part then they will be out from team for some time or for ever. It’s not that they are afraid they will loose cricket as a career but they are afraid that they will not get television advertisements to work on, which gets them big bucks.

India cannot come up with a good team because good players do not get chance to play at state level because of corruption in the selection procedure. I came across a lot of players in Punjab where they could not make it to the Punjab team just because they didn’t have anyone to back them up with money needed to bribe selectors (Do not even try to start me on that topic). Money and politics plays a major role. No wonder why a country with 1.2 billion people cannot come up with 11 all rounder’s. Is it too much to ask for? If it’s not possible to get 11 players then why not at least 75% of team is all rounder’s?

After above all mentioned comes reservation and quota system where every state has quotas (not only in education and jobs but also in sports). I remember India was a world champion in Hockey when 80% of the hockey team was from a small village in Punjab (India) called Sansar Pur, Then came political parties who brought in state base system of selection and since then how many times Indian hockey team did well? How many advertisements do people in India see on their TV channels? Sansar Pur is a village where a hocket stick and a ball is given as a gift to a newly born child by the senior members of that village (Panchayat). Even today team from that village change the national team which national team will not take because they know how good those players are from a small village.

I wish India can do well in all the sports and that will only be possible when people in India will understand what political parties are doing to them directly or indirectly.

Did ever anyone thought why India never qualified for Soccer world cup? Just because its ignored due to dominance of Cricket.

Parents do not put money towards their kids to promote their interest in other games then cricket because they do not see ROI (return on investment), at least that is what I think.

Last night I heard there were collisions in Calcutta (changes its name after every election) because Ganguly was dropped from Indian team. Why this does happens? How many times we saw such things in Australia?

There is one more games I saw getting popularity (may be because cricketers were not doing well in past few years), that one is Tennis, when especially a player called Sania Mirza. She has a good starts and guess what? Within few weeks she was at every single fashion parade, TV advertisements and even she stated her own designed line. I guess she might be right because that was the right time for her to make all the money because you never know what is next in the future, but I was sad to see her performance going down in the same time frame. I do not have problem with her making money, but I still would like players to stick to their schedule for game they are good at because that is the reason why they are getting all the contracts and they should not forget they are representative of India as a nation with 1.2 billion people.

Games should be played with spirit of games and nothing else; one team who performs well would win. The team who lost should analyze the facts that why they have lost, why their players cannot field well, why bowlers do not perform on foreign wickets, why they always get out on certain balls and so on…..

I like Australia where everyone gets involved with more than one sport on an average as compared to countries like India and Pakistan.

I came here about 7+ years back and now I follow AFL as well, other than that I do not mind watching other sports like NRL, Soccer, Tennis, Golf and NFL. This is kind of environment I wish for every singe country in Asia.

Now, I will expect a lot of criticism from other people in this community which will try to reply to most of parts of this thread. But I can tell you, I stayed in different countries and I like their thinking about sports. Some will tell me that my views might have changed because I do not hold Indian passport any more. Let me tell you one thing, all of us who hold passports from other countries still wishes well for the country where they are born. Even after 50 years from today no one will call me an American or Australian, we will always be called Indian because of our skin, culture and looks. If I will be standing with 10 Australians someone will still be telling someone “that Indian looking guy in the group”. We are proud to have family and other values we got being Indian and we really wish those will be taken by rest of the world some day (just like yoga) but we also want everyone to get fair treatment in every part of the world, irrespective of skin colour, culture and nationality.


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