
Showing posts from 2010

New points test for certain skilled migration applications

Recently minister of Immigration for Australia has announced that there will be changes made to certain skilled migration applications. Changes will affect those applications that will be lodged after 1st July 2011. Applications that will be under consideration and not finalised by department of Immigration & Citizenship before 1st July 2011 will not be affected by the changes. More details on the changes can be found on the website. Following are links to the two PDF that were published recently. Fact Sheet on the new point system - FAQs on the new points Test -

ABC TV - Interview of Australian Immigration Minister about the changes made to the immigration programs for 2010

With the start of 2010 as many of us were expecting Australian Govt. will be tighning the visa processes especially to do with international students who seek to get residency in Australia. Here is the interview video of the immigration miniter discussing the same. For changes that are coming to the immigration to Australia please reffer to website.