Australian Slang - Words which are part of local English in Australia

Today I got some time free so let us use it for something useful. Australian slang is something very free, people who speak British English they might find it a bit odd but once you mater it, its gold J.

I will not get into too many words that gets used here in Australia only as part of local slang but I will try to put together a few which I mostly come across. Few I learnt hard way J

First word that comes to my mind is MATE (spoken as mite or might), mostly used with “Gidday mate” (Good day mate)

OZ – Australia (Pronounced as Ouztaralia)
Ta – Thank you
Slab – Box of beer (usually 24 bottles or cans).
Bugger – Damn
Ciggie – Cigarette
Smoko – Cigarette
Chook – Chicken
Arvo – Afternoon
Bludger (or dole bludger) – A very lazy person who do not go for work.
Goon bag – Bag of wine (actually bag is inside a box )
Undies – Underwear
Buzz – Phone call (I think I heard in other countries too)
Tassie – Tasmania (mostly used while referencing people/things from Tasmania)
Aggro – Agressive
Breakkie – Breakbfast
Maccar or Macca – McDonalds
Tucker – Meal or food
Bloke – Man
Sheila – Women (Someone sitting next to me in the car introduced me to this word while referencing to a women on the road)
Stubby – A bottle of beer (a special size beer bottle)
Dodgie or Dodgy – Not reliable or of bad quality
Fare Dinkum – Honestly earning people
Doona – Bed quilt
Yobbo – Uncouth person (only heard once from a friend while discussing Australian slang)
Barbie – Barbeque
Faggot – A homosexual person ( I think I heard it from Americans too)
Footy – A local bootball game
Up yourself – Someone having a large ego
Ute – A utility vehicle

If I could remember more I would add to this list. Enough for now I guess?

Suggested by others:

Pot - pint of beer.
Smoko - Reference to meal break (I could be wrong but most likely could be smoke break ?)


Anonymous said…
Hi there. Good list. By the way, I don't think 'aggro' comes from aborigines. Australians tend to shorten words and add 'o' or 'ie' (like 'smoko' and 'barbie'), and 'aggro' is just another shortened word with 'o' added.
Rajan Katwal said…
That might be the case. I believe that is why it is called slang because people modified it and other accepted it.
Dont forget "pot" for a pint of beer
Mark Perrett said…
'Smoko' is a meal break during work. It can also refer to the meal itself.

"I'm going to smoko. Will be back in 20 minutes."


"I'm going down the street to grab some smoko. Anyone want anything?"

I'm born, bred and lived my whole live as a red blooded Aussie.

Oh, and mate isn't pronounced 'mite or might". It's mate as in plate, gate, ate, etc.
Rajan Katwal said…
Thanks MistaP73 for your feedback!

I will include suggestions from your to the post.

When people from overseas comes over try to look from their prospective as well. When someone said mate to me I certainly didn't pick it because it sounded a lot more like "mite"... that was 15 years back.

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